Welcome to the gap-analysis suggestions page! Updated 31 May 2022 (stupid bug fixes -- my apologies if this page failed for you over the last week)
To advise research on the Ecosystem Service Valuation (ESV) impacts of agriculture and agricultural conservation programs (Ag/cons), I am helping build a gap analysis.
Simply put, this is a listing of what kinds of ecosystem services might be impacted by Ag/cons, and a measure of the state of knowledge about the values of these services.
A first step is to develop a list. And that is why I am asking for your help. How to help? Just add rows to the table below, or ℛevise/comment on a current entry!
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This is a broad ask. Bookshelves of dissertations broad. Let's narrow it ...
What do I mean by impacts
The tangible aspects of the environment that are likely to matter to people.
Although it matters in real life, I am not asking for
  • How Ag/Cons makes these impacts. That is: abstract from the biophysical process that leads to impacts.
  • How people benefit from these impacts.
However, please do include brief thoughts on where/how/who -- and how much -- these impacts are likely to matter.
I am sending this request to a number of researchers, etc. Thus,
  • Please list what you are familiar with.
    You don't have to be encyclopedic and list every possible impact that you can imagine.
  • I recognize that the dividing line between tangible aspects and what matters to people is often ill-defined.
    Since this is a scoping exercise, all I ask is that you list what comes to mind.
Don't worry about being precise
I would rather have too much input than too little -- consolidating & considering a lot of ideas is easier if you have a lot of ideas!
Technical note
I am leaning into the EPA National Ecosystem Service Classification System (NESCS) to guide this process. NESCS defines Ecological End Products (EEPs) as precursors to Final Ecosystem Services (FESs). Thus, tangible aspects is a loose synonym for EEPs.
Using your professional judgement and experience, please list the impacts that agriculture and agricultural conservation programs have on ecosystem services that may affect human well-being.
These columns are optional --
While the immediate goal is to learn what impacts matter, the next step will be to look for ESV measures. Having an idea of where, how, and who is effected -- and a notion of their ESV order of magnitude -- can help focus the search.
The impact Where How Who ESV (order of magnitude)
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Got any good ideas? For example, references to databases/meta-analysis that one should look at (for ESV estimates of these impacts).

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Questions: contact me at danielh@wquestions.org